How to Contribute a Script
[hide]So, you have a script that you want to submit to PlayOnLinux?
There are a few things that should be followed, as far as our standards for icons, resources for install scripts, posting here for help or submitting to us for publication, and info that make this process more standardized.
Testing, testing, testing
It is very important that you test your scripts thoroughly before trying to contribute them to the actual system. Although, please do feel free to post your script in the forum if you need help or want a review of it. Scripts that obviously have not been tested (because of spelling/syntax errors, non-existent Wine versions, etc..) will not be accepted and will be deleted from the contribution section, requesting that the author post in the forums for help correcting the script.
For instance, if your script has a WINEVERSION set to, say "4.2.3", it is apparent that the script was never tested to work correctly, because that Wine version does not exist. Things like this will result in deletion of the Script Contribution entry, and you will be requested to post in the forums to get the script set up correctly.
Content of your posts in the forum (Your Creations section)
Please use the following tips to help make the posts here more standardized:
- Make the title of your post something like:
[Script] name of script
- Post the following information in your post in this order:
- Description of the program (just a basic rundown of what it does)
- Anything you had to do or install OUTSIDE of Wine or PlayOnLinux to make it work
- Any extra notes about installation, or errors that it throws (if any)
- Contents of script
Screenshot requirements
When submitting a screenshot, post them in your original post, reply to your own post with either the link to your screenshots, or just paste the screenshots into the post (we can download them and upload to our server.).
Also, do not submit screenshots with your background or desktop. Full-screen, program-only screenshots, unless you are posting the screenshots for troubleshooting of a related issue. What this means:
- Make sure that you are only taking a screenshot of the program related to this script.
- Window decorations are OK, as long as the program is the main feature of the picture.
- No lewd, pornographic, or otherwise controversial screenshots of ANYTHING (this will result in negative action without question.).
- Be sure to take screenshots of the game ACTUALLY running; no install shots.
- Though 1 screenshot works, we prefer 2. 3 is what we really like to see.
- Legible, fairly hi-def shots; no fuzzy text, not stretched/smashed, not distorted.
Icons and install resources
So, there are 4 different icons and pictures that are desired for the script. They are listed as follows with their EXACT dimensions and file type requirements:
The icon that will be used for the installed program:
- Name: nameofprogram-48x48
- File Type: PNG, JPEG
- Size: 48x48
The icon that will be used in the PlayOnLinux script list and the site:
- Name: nameofprogram-22x22
- File Type: PNG, JPEG
- Size: 22x22
Sideways banner that is on the left side of the first window when script is ran:
- Name: left.jpg (or left.png)
- File Type: PNG, JPEG
- Size: 150x356 (W x H)
Top corner Icon for install script:
- Name: top.jpg (or top.png)
- File Type: PNG, JPEG
- Size: 64x64 (W x H)
What to do after you have tested your script
After you have had your script on the forum, and its been verified to work, and the script is effective, clean, and portable, then submit in the following fashion:
- Go to PlayOnLinux or PlayOnMac
- Click Supported Software
- Click Add a program
- Enter the name of the script you want to publish
- Fill out the form as completely as you can
- After your submit that, click Click here to see it
- When you return to your page, click the Contribute button
- Enter in a description, and below the description form, click I want to submit an improvement
- Copy/paste your script script in that field, and click Send
Now your script is awaiting approval. A staff member will look at the script and either:
- It will be approved, and will be then available in the POL/POM Install menu
- It will need improvements, which the staff member will inform you of. Then you just use the Contribute button to submit a new version of the script
- Your script will be deleted because it is empty, spam, a help request, or something else not related to that section