Manual Installations

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Was your software already tested with Wine by other users ?

If a software does not work with Wine, usually it will not work with Playonlinux/Playonmac.

Before to waste time, look first into (at left side of the screen, click : 'Browse Apps').
In the test reports you may find informations about:


Doing a manual installation is the hard way to use Playonlinux/Playonmac.

The easy way is to use a script already wrote by someone else (do search first into the 'Supported software' list, then in the forums), because the application that you want to use may need some additional libraries and it is very hard to know which ones.

How to

In POL click the button 'Install'

At the bottom left of the window, click 'Install a non-listed program'.

An important step

This window is very important : 'What would you like to do before installation ?' because it can allow :

  • 'Use another version of Wine' (a version different from the ones that your POL installation already has).
  • 'Configure Wine' (advanced setting, forcing Set_OS, ...).
  • 'Install some libraries (by using Winetricks or POL features).


Lots of steps

... Write me... (or look some examples tutorials already wrote for other softwares).

If your software requires Winetricks or POL libraries

(screenshot example)

Shortcuts for the software installed

At the end of the manual installation, POL show you the list of .EXE files found in order to make shortcuts. Take the time to select carefully the files needed (you will be allow later to delete the useless shortcuts).


If a application do not work, do not forget that you can try a other (install a newer) version of Wine. This is very useful for the old tutorials found on the web, Wine receive improvements and bug fixes.

External links