Troubleshooting Common Problems
Here is a list of common errors and possible solutions. Not everything will be here, but this list will get a lot bigger as time goes on, and hopefully, with the help of the community, we can make this list very, very robust.
When trying a possible solution for an issue, please only try ONE solution at a time, and test to see if it worked.
[hide]- 1 p11-kit: couldn't load module: ...
- 2 Error in FS_Check
- 3 Failed to use ICMP
- 4 Error! Files mismatch
- 5 The application you are trying to install needs administrator rights...
- 6 League of Legends Stuck on Logo (after Champ Select)
- 7 SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated
- 8 No sound (err:module:load_builtin_dll...
- 9 About a script stored in 'Supported software', how to install it with a newer Wine version ?
- 10 Missing files
- 10.1 (libFaudio)
- 10.2 (libpng)
- 10.3 (libncurses)
- 10.4 (libudev)
- 10.5 (libSM)
- 10.6 (libjpeg)
- 10.7 (libpulse)
- 10.8 'PresentationFramework, Version=, ...' (dotnet40)
- 10.9 Vulkan missing
- 10.10 Xterm missing
- 10.11
- 11 FreeType font library
p11-kit: couldn't load module: ...
Debian-based variant
Who might encounter this error?
Mostly users of Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc., Mint (and derivatives), 64-bit systems.
What causes this error?
The 32-bit version of is either not installed, or is not located in an area that Wine expected it to be.
Common solutions
Install 32-bit version of
1 | sudo apt-get install p11-kit-modules:i386 |
Create a symlink
(for systems before multiarch feature?)
found at
1 2 | sudo /usr/local/bin/getlibs -p p11-kit:i386 sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/p11-kit-trust .so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/p11-kit-trust .so |
RPM-based variant
Who might encounter this error?
Users of Fedora, 64-bit systems.
What causes this error?
The 32-bit version of is either not installed, or is not located in an area that Wine expected it to be.
We need a 32-bit version of the package p11-kit-trust, but as explained here, there is a packaging issue, requiring manual install.
Common solutions
Go on the web interface of a RPM mirror, and search for `p11-kit-trust`, for i386 architecture. (this link does most of the job for you)
Download the package corresponding with your Fedora version, and install it with `dnf install /path/to/downloaded/file`
You may then run into similar errors, but with different files. You can find the missing packages with `dnf provides /path/to/missing/file`, then install them simply with `dnf install package-name`
Error in FS_Check
Who might encounter this error?
Anyone trying to run an executable file in Wine/POL that is located on an NTFS filesystem.
What causes this error?
Wine can get grumpy with how NTFS, Linux, and Wine interact with each other. This warning is simply there to alert you to this fact. Most of the time, this error can be ignored.
Common solutions
Move executable to a native Linux filesystem
Simply move the executable file in question to your native Linux filesystem, and this error will go away. It will only appear when trying to execute a file that is located on a FUSE filesystem.
Failed to use ICMP
Who might encounter this error?
Anyone trying to run an application that wants to ping out. On POSIX-compliant systems, ping needs admin rights. NOTE: NEVER run Wine or POL as root.
What causes this error?
When a program tries to send an ICMP packet running through POL/Wine, it will fail, as it needs administrative rights, and we never run POL or Wine as root, do we? ;)
Common solutions
Switch to WineBuild 1.7.45-staging or higher
There is a fix for this in the Wine-Staging builds found in Manage Wine Versions, so that should be tried first.
Give rights to POL's WineBuild
In most instances, you will see a command to remedy this. Most of the time, it is missing the final argument, which is the particular instance of Wine that you are running. These solutions work fine for Vanilla Wine, but not POL. For POL, you have to point the particular command to POL's WineBuild for that particular virtual drive.
For instance, AION.
All of POL's WineBuilds are stored in ~/.PlayOnLinux/wine/
Within this folder, you have different sub-folders for architecture, and then Wine version. In the case of AION:
Find out which Wine version your application needs:
- Open the Configuration Window
- In the General tab, when your virtual drive is selected, look at the name of the version of Wine in use.
Now, the command you would want to run is:
NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste these commands. They need to be modified for your particular situation.
NOTE: I have seen both bin/wine and bin/wine-preloader shown in examples, so for posterity, I am including both.
Essentially, the syntax for this is as follows:
- username with your current username
- Wine Architecture with either linux-x86 (32-bit virtual drive) or linux-amd64 (64-bit virtual drive)
- Wine Version with the EXACT name listed in the Wine dropdown menu in the General tab of the Configuration Window
Error! Files mismatch
Error! Files mismatch
Local: md5resultexpected
Server: md5resultdownloaded
Do you want to retry?
Who might encounter this error?
This can happen to any user on any system. It is also architecture agnostic.
What causes this error?
When POL scripts use certain API calls, there is a positional argument for the MD5 hash, to make sure that the downloaded file is intact and is not different than what has been tested.
If the server (hosting the file to download) does updates or changes or remove the file in question, or if the download fails, the MD5 will be different, and will throw an error.
Common solutions
File bug report with POL
If this happens, it is something that the POL team should be made aware of. Please let us know so that we can take measures to correct this issue. As long as we can get the new file successfully, we can grab the MD5 hash and change the script so that this error will not pop up again (of course, if the file changes, this will happen again, and should be reported.).
The application you are trying to install needs administrator rights...
Who might encounter this error?
Anyone on any distro may see this error
What causes this error?
Wine does not implement privileges as some Windows applications may expect, so if a program relies on certain aspects of Windows' user rights that Wine does not or cannot implement, it will fail.
Common solutions
File bug report with WineHQ
Anything like this should be reported directly to WineHQ's team, as they would need to troubleshoot and possibly develop a workaround to the permissions issue. You can find their bug system here:
League of Legends Stuck on Logo (after Champ Select)
League of Legends simply stalls at the logo after the champion select dialogue.
Who might encounter this error?
Anyone on any distro may see this error
What causes this error?
Multiple d3d libraries that come with Wine apparently, according to threads like this, do not offer the performance that the native d3d libraries do.
Common solutions
Install needed components
Instructions adapted from this thread:
- Install in POL: d3dx10, d3dx11, d3dx9 (only d3dx9, not the other d3dx9_etc) and directx9
- It will break your Adobe Air (already installed in the virtual drive). I really don't know why but it does it, so we have to fix, go to Configure Wine, then select the tab Libraries and add the lib "dnsapi" and set it to "builtin, native"
SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated
Who might encounter this error?
PlayOnMac users, even if Samba and winbind are installed.
PlayOnLinux users, if winbind is not installed.
What causes this error?
PlayOnMac is not reading the correct path for some reason.
Common solutions
Do install WinBind.
Example on Ubuntu 18.xx : From Terminal, do type: 'sudo apt install winbind'.
PlayOnMac Edit the Bash script to properly set path
Instructions adapted from this thread:
- Edit /Applications/
- Change #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/bash --login, save, and try to start PlayOnMac
No sound (err:module:load_builtin_dll...
Who might encounter this error?
Any user on any system may experience this.
What causes this error?
Missing 32-bit library; in this case, libasound2.
Common solutions
Install the 32-bit version of libasound2
Refer to your distro's docs for the package name for that system. 64-bit systems, because of how Wine/POL works, will almost always need the 32-bit version of libraries used for Wine/POL. Multiarch system's with support for package management with mixed-architectures should check manually if this error is coming up (some distros put things in odd places or don't handle multiarch support very well.).
About a script stored in 'Supported software', how to install it with a newer Wine version ?
When a script is becoming very old (ie: 5 years), it sometimes might fail to run on some newer operating system. If it fail to complete, it is impossible to upgrade later the Wine version from the Configuration window.
Here is how to workaround the issue:
- Find the page of the script/software you want to install, inside 'Supported apps' of this website.
- Display the code from the 'Source code' button.
- Open (or copy) a text file on your computer.
- Edit the text file with a text editor software.
- Copy then paste the content from the website to the text file (replace all the content).
- Search for the following text: WORKING_WINE_VERSION="1.3.2" (the number is a example).
- Replace the Wine version with something else.
- Save the text file.
- Rename it in order to give it a '.pol' file extension.
- Now in POL/POM v4, run this new script file from the menu 'Tools' then 'Run a local script'.
Note: if you get better results, please contribute by reporting in the forum (post the OS version and the Wine version used).
Missing files (libFaudio)
Explanation: From Wine 4.5, Wine requires libfaudio0 as a dependency (ref). FAudio is a drop in replacement for XAudio2, X3DAudio, XAPO, and XACT3 (ref). A full FAQ.
Workaround (examples):
- Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install libfaudio0
- Ubuntu 18.04: howto (outdated as of 2019-09-28, because broken links)
- This way (OK as of 2019-09-28):
cd ~/Desktop
cd ~/Desktop
sudo dpkg -i libfaudio0_19.07-0~bionic_amd64.deb libfaudio0_19.07-0~bionic_i386.deb
sudo apt --fix-broken install (libpng)
This file is not included anymore in Ubuntu from v18.04.
Workaround: (libncurses)
Workaround: unknown. (libudev)
Udev is a device manager for the Linux kernel (Wikipedia).
This software is not included anymore in Ubuntu from v18.04.
- How to fix Cannot open shared object file error on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux (2019) (libSM)
Fix: install of 32-bit version of this package:
1 | sudo apt install libsm6:i386 | (libjpeg)
Occured with POL 4.3.4 and Wine 4.0.1 This file is not included anymore in Ubuntu from v18.04
- sudo apt-get install libjpeg62
- sudo apt-get install libjpeg62:i386 (libpulse)
Occured with POL 4.3.4 and Wine 4.20
- Ubuntu: apt-get install libpulse0 libpulse0:i386
- Archlinux: lib32-libpulse
'PresentationFramework, Version=, ...' (dotnet40)
This mean that Microsoft Dotnet 4.0 is missing and required.
- From POL/POM Config window, do install 'dotnet40'.
Vulkan missing
0055:err:vulkan:wine_vk_init Failed to load Wine graphics driver supporting Vulkan.
This mean that a Vulkan file (Wikipedia) is not installed.
- Look at: this page.
Xterm missing
POL v4 need this software.
Fix: install it from the packages manager of your OS.
Example on Ubuntu (command line to type into a Terminal software):
1 | sudo apt install xterm |
Fix: install it from the packages manager of your OS.
Example on Ubuntu (command line to type into a Terminal software):
1 | sudo apt install unixodbc |
FreeType font library
This issue occurs when the FreeType font (Wikipedia) is not installed, or outdated.
- Ubuntu 18.04: edit the script in order to use at least Wine v2.22 (you may need to read in this page: 'About a script stored in 'Supported software', how to install it with a newer Wine version ?').